The aim of this Cookbook is to provide tips, tricks and advice for running a ResBaz conference at your own institution. Like ResBaz, this Cookbook believes in open and collaborative communities. If you'd like to contribute and/or edit content, get in touch and we'll give you the necessary access.
Contact us
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @ResBaz
ResBaz 2017
The dates for "ResBaz week" have been announced: 30 January - 5 February 2017
If you're interested in running an event during that week (or soon after if that week isn't practical), here are the steps required to make that happen...
1. Join the conversation
Subscribe to the ResBaz blog to make sure you don't miss our monthly newsletter for ResBaz organisers.
To keep up with the news between newsletters, email us and we'll add you to our ResBaz page on Slack. As well as using Slack to join the global conversation, many sites are creating their own channels on the ResBaz page for site-specific chat.
2. Plan your event
At the table of contents of this Cookbook, you can find information on the history and philosophy of ResBaz, as well as ideas for classes and social events that you might want to run. We're hoping all sites will create their own progress pages at this cookbook (email us and we'll give you editing permissions), so they can openly share their plans with the rest of the global community.
3. Advertise your event
Once your plans are taking shape, you'll want to start making some noise about your event. Here's how to go about doing that:
- The main ResBaz 2017 website has a map with pins corresponding to each of the host sites around the world. If you click on those pins they take you to the dedicated webpage for that site.
- To create and launch your own site page, head to this GitHub repository which hosts the source code for the website. The README has instructions for creating site pages.
- Please use the #ResBaz hashtag whenever tweeting about your event
- If you need a copy of the ResBaz logo for advertising purposes, you can find it (in many different file formats) at this folder of the GitHub repository
- You can use whatever online platform you like to manage registrations (e.g. Eventbrite, Google Forms), but we ask that at a bare minimum you require applicants to answer this core set of questions
- These core questions were developed by a group of representatives from each ResBaz site and the (anonymised) results will be analysed after the event to get an overview of the global ResBaz crowd