Ideas for classes

As mentioned at LINK, a defining feature of a ResBaz conference is that the classes are taught by researchers as opposed to IT professionals. Here's some ideas/resources for running researcher-led classes:

  • The global organisation that has led the way in researcher-led training is Software Carpentry. Their lessons on scientific computing (e.g. unix shell, Python, MATLAB, R, git/GitHub) are a perfect fit for a ResBaz conference. It's not unusual to run more than one Software Carpentry workshop simultaneously at a ResBaz conference.
  • Data Carpentry is a sister organisation of Software Carpentry, which focuses on domain specific courses on topics such as spreadsheets, databases and programming with Python or R.
  • Research Platform Services at the University of Melbourne have a range of open source lessons on topics including Natural Language Toolkit, data visualisation with D3.js, LaTeX document editing and computer aided design tools like AutoDesk Inventor and 3DSlicer. Please get in touch (@ResPlat, [email protected]) if you'd like more information on these materials.

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